252.00 AED

Shauran Capella (U) Edp 50Ml

Immerse yourself in the enigmatic allure of L’orpheline, a unisex fragrance meticulously crafted by the esteemed design house of Serge Lutens. Launched in the year 2014, L’orpheline is a sophisticated ode to the ethereal and delicate aspects of our universe, designed to captivate the senses of both men and women alike. At 1.6 oz, this Eau de Parfum spray is a testament to the intricate balance between strength and fragility, making it a must-have addition to your fragrance collection.

L’orpheline stands out with its rich, warm, and sweet essence, intertwined with a smoky and balsamic aura that envelops the wearer in an aura of mystery. The

10 in stock

252.00 AED

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SKU: 3612345680556 Categories: Tag:

Immerse yourself in the enigmatic allure of L’orpheline, a unisex fragrance meticulously crafted by the esteemed design house of Serge Lutens. Launched in the year 2014, L’orpheline is a sophisticated ode to the ethereal and delicate aspects of our universe, designed to captivate the senses of both men and women alike. At 1.6 oz, this Eau de Parfum spray is a testament to the intricate balance between strength and fragility, making it a must-have addition to your fragrance collection.

L’orpheline stands out with its rich, warm, and sweet essence, intertwined with a smoky and balsamic aura that envelops the wearer in an aura of mystery. The




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